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  • Writer's pictureRachel

Swedish Cinnamon Rolls (Kanelbullar) Version 1

Updated: Jan 22, 2021

These are mighty fine cinnamon rolls. They're flavorful and slightly chewy. The secret is the cardamom, which gives them a slight fruity flavor that perfectly compliments the cinnamon. Trust me. And even if you screw up the folding technique like I did, they still come out looking gorgeous! This recipe is more like the rolls I had in Hungary vs. Denmark.

This is the Swedish-style cinnamon roll I had in Hungary

They are a bit more bready and hold shape better than version 2, which is available here:

Note: If you'd like to see a demonstration (especially for the bun folding part), click here:

The recipe is here, and pictures of the process are below:



  • 1/2 cup warm milk (125 ml or 130 g)

  • 2 tbsp honey (40 g)

  • 2 1/4 tsp dry yeast (7 g)

  • 3 cup bread flour (380 g)

  • 2 eggs , room temperature

  • 1/4 cup powdered milk (32 g)

  • 1 tsp salt

  • 1 tsp ground cardamom (3 g) from green cardamom pods

  • 1/3 cup butter (75 g), room temperature


  • 1/3 cup butter (75 g), room temperature

  • 1/2 cup brown sugar (80 g)

  • 2 1/2 tsp. cinnamon

  • 1/4 tsp. cardamom


  • Egg wash (1 egg yolk mixed with 1 tsp. water)

  • Honey (optional)

  • Chopped almonds/pistachios (optional)


  1. You can buy green cardamom pods from an Indian/other Asian market. they'll look like the picture you see below. Open them up and take out the seeds, and grind them with a spice grinder or mortar and pestle. I "think" you can buy ground cardamom as well.

  2. Dissolve the yeast n the warm milk and honey. Let sit 5-10 minutes until foamy.

  3. Then add in the flour, salt, milk powder, cardamom, and beaten eggs. Mix with your hands until a shaggy dough forms.

  4. Take the dough onto a clean surface and knead 10 minutes.

  5. Then add half the butter and knead it into the dough. This requires patience and a lot of crushing the dough between your fingers to work the butter.

  6. After the first half is incorporated, incorporate the second half, it should be easier this time.

  7. After all the butter is incorporated, knead the dough until smooth, about 10 minutes.

  8. Place in a lightly greased bowl, cover, and rise 90 minutes-2 hours.

  9. While the dough is rising, mix the filling ingredients together until smooth and spreadable.

  10. When the dough is ready, place onto a lightly floured surface and press into a rectangle. Then roll into a 14x21" or 36 cmx53 cm rectangle. Evenly spread the filling over and then fold like a letter (see picture below).

  11. Then roll that rectangle into 9x14 inches. Cut into 1 1/4 (3.5 cm) inch strips and then cut each strip down the middle, leaving 1 inch uncut (see picture below).

  12. Twist the rolls as shown here: It is tricky but try your best! Even if you mess up they'll still look lovely!

  13. Place on a baking sheet, lightly brush with egg wash, wrap in cling film loosely and rise 20 minutes while you preheat the oven to 375°F or 190°C.

  14. Brush once more with egg wash and bake 15-22 minutes, rotating the trays halfway (top to bottom and back to front).

  15. While baking chop up nuts and prepare a dish with honey for brushing (optional). When the buns are fresh from the oven coat lightly with honey and top with nuts.

  16. Enjoy!

  17. Makes 10 buns.

How to make these buns:

This is a green cardamom pod, opened up to see the seeds inside. The seeds are what you'll use to make the cardamom powder (not the green husk!)

Cardamom seeds from ~20 pods before grinding (some are brown, some are black). Honestly it looks like mouse poop....hopefully you still want to eat these!

And after grinding! Ready to use!

-You can also grind it by hand

Now for that dough

And you know what you need for any dough? Those yeastie bois!

After mixing together the milk, honey, and yeast. Then let it sit a bit (5-10 minutes)

After resting. Time to add more ingredients!

Before mixing together the flour, eggs, cardamom, milk powder, and salt into the yeast mixture.

Mixing everything together you should get a shaggy dough. Now you can start kneading!

After kneading 10 minutes...unfortunately your arms don't get a break because we have to add the butter!

Before incorporating the first half of the butter.

After incorporating the first half of the butter.

Then you add and incorporate the rest of the butter.

After incorporating all the butter and kneading for 10 minutes. Now it's ready to rise!

Before rising.

After rising!

Mix together the filling ingredients until soft and spreadable.

Take the dough out, press into a rectangle.

And roll it out!

Spread your filling on evenly.

Fold in thirds like a letter.

And roll it out so it's a bit wider.

Cut into these little leggy bois.

One at a time twist each one, and shape as seen here:

One of the few I didn't mess up...

Before rising one last time.

Brush with egg wash, cover and rise 20 minutes. Then brush again with egg wash and bake again.

After baking. No joke they were amazingly golden.

Then you can top them with some honey and nuts if desired.

Just, fricken' pretty!

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