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  • Writer's pictureRachel

Pfeffernüsse Cookies (German Peppernuts)

These adorable cookies are perfectly spiced and addicting! They have a slightly crispy exterior but a soft tender interior. The German Lebkuchen spice really adds a complexity to these you don't get with American gingerbread, and I think it's divine without being overpowering. In the future I'll experiment with adding more pepper to amp up the "pfeffer." These are easy to make and I really recommend trying them!

How to make the Lebkuchen spice mix

The recipe is here, and pictures of the process are below:


  • 2 1/4 cup all purpose flour (~324 g)

  • 1/4 cup almond flour/meal (20 g)

  • 1/4 tsp. salt

  • 1/2 tsp. baking soda

  • 3 tsp. Lebkuchen spice (can decrease to 2 tsp.)

  • 1/4 tsp. white pepper (can increase to 1/2 tsp.)

  • 5 Tbsp. butter (70 g)

  • 1/3 cup honey (120 g)

  • 1/2 cup brown sugar, packed (110 g)

  • 3 Tbsp. heavy cream (46 g)

  • 1 large egg (~55 g)

  • Powdered sugar for the glaze

Note: The recipe is delicious as is, but feel free to play around with spices. I noticed that other recipes use less lebkuchen spices relative to the white pepper, so you can adjust to get a stronger pepper flavor.


  1. Whisk together the flour, almond flour, salt, baking soda, and white pepper in a large bowl.

  2. In a small pot melt together the butter, honey, brown sugar, adn cream on medium heat until the sugar is dissolved. Take off the heat and let rest 5 minutes.

  3. Stir the honey mixture into the flour mixture, just until incorporated. Then mix in the egg until mixed well and no dry flour remains.

  4. Cut the dough in half and shape into a log. Wrap in plastic wrap and chill overnight, up to 24 hours.

  5. When ready to bake, preheat the oven to 350°F. Line a baking tray with parchment paper.

  6. Take out one half of the dough. Roll it out into a 3/4 inch wide log (it can be helpful to cut the dough in half before doing this), and then cut 3/4 inch wide pieces. Roll each one into a ball and place on the parchment paper, about 1 1/2 inch apart. They are small.

  7. For better results, freeze on the tray for 5 minutes (or refrigerate 10 minutes) before baking for 14 minutes on the middle rack.

  8. Once baked, remove the cookies to a cooling rack. Then take the other half of the dough out and prepare the next batch like the first.

  9. You can glaze the cookies (I prefer) or roll them in powdered sugar. If rolling, let cool 5 minutes before rolling. If glazing, mix the powdered sugar with enough water until it's your desired consistency (I went pretty thick), and when the cookies are cooled (about 20 minutes after baking), glaze and let rest until the glaze sets.

  10. Serve fresh or keep at room temperature up to 5 days.

  11. Makes ~50-70 small cookies.

Here I show how I made a half batch:

The ingredients I used. I used dark brown sugar but you can use light brown sugar.

After combining the dry ingredients.

After melting the butter, cream, brown sugar, and honey together. Then let cool for 5 minutes.

Once the honey mixture has cooled bit, add it to the dry ingredients.

After mixing the honey mixture in and before mixing in the egg.

After mixing in the egg completely. Next we wrap it up!

Wrap tightly and chill overnight (remember this is a half batch, so you should have two wrapped logs of dough if making a full batch).

The next day take the chilled dough out.

I cut the log in half to make this easier and rolled it out and cut into small pieces.

Take a piece of dough...

Then roll into a small ball!

Place on a lined baking sheet.

Before chilling and baking.

After baking. They grew a lot and feel very light!

After baking, side view.

One option: Roll them in powdered sugar (this is easy to do and keeps the outside of the cookie crisp.)

What the powdered ones look like.

Another option: Dip in a glaze (I prefer this, it really highlights the spice in the cookie)

Let them dry and then enjoy!!!

So adorable! The glaze didn't set before I took pictures but they're still shiny and amazing!

So cute and beautiful at the same time!

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